

Peace of mind

Combining the freedom of independent living with the reassurance of a caring community close by, Belong apartment living is a proactive choice which secures peace of mind for later life.

All Belong apartment residents have access to a 24-hour emergency response service and the option of a daily checking service. For those who need more support, we also offer an award-winning home care service, Belong at Home. (This is subject to a needs assessment and charges.)

View our Sample Apartment Tour

Community and choice

Living in a Belong apartment offers the benefit of being part of a caring community and the opportunity to join in village life as much or as little as you choose.

Each village has a range of facilities, from bistro to gym and venue to hair salon, and a vibrant events programme, published in a bi-monthly What’s On newsletter.


Financing options

In most locations, we offer one or two bedroom apartments, available to rent or purchase, with a monthly community fee payable in both cases to cover many of the building maintenance utilities and emergency response costs.

Please see the Key Facts document for each village for details of the financial arrangements for renting or purchasing a Belong apartment.

For those who do opt to purchase, the ‘Buy Back’ scheme guarantees that we’ll repurchase your apartment for the same price that you originally paid (subject to reasonable deductions for any repairs, arrears and legal costs). We aim to avoid exposure to price fluctuation on the open market and provide peace of mind for apartment owners.

Your Guide to Living in a Belong Apartment

Read our guide.

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Belong apartment living

For a flavour of apartment living in Belong, watch this short video from Belong Macclesfield.