Zoe Robson

Lead Exercise Specialist

Certified Nutritionist and Clinical Sports Therapist specialising in Musculoskeletal, Neurological and Pulmonary Rehabilitation.

Zoe Robson

Zoë Robson - Lead Exercise Specialist

Zoë joined Belong in 2017 after serving 12 years in the Royal Military Police, eight of which she served abroad.

Since joining Belong, Zoë has had numerous success stories from working with respite customers to rehabilitation with residents; some of them even making the local news! As the Lead Exercise Specialist, Zoë manages a very successful Exercise and Rehabilitation service across all of the existing Belong villages. She specialises in Neurological and Pulmonary Rehabilitation. Zoë is also an Ambassador for the ‘Living Well Dying Well’ end of life partnership and the Physical Activity and Nutrition advisor for NAPA (national activities providers association). Zoë has been involved in several external research programmes including a project with NHS England, Salford and Cardiff University.